Halley Willcox - Falling Towards the Sky
Falling Towards The Sky:
dance, projection, and theater about death, fragility, grief, strength, and joy
Does that seem too broad to you?
It seems too broad to me too…
How are you going to narrow it?
Through the rehearsal process, see what sticks—what makes us feel something, listen to that and move forward with it.
It sounds kind of heavy. Why would I want to spend my Thursday night watching this?
The description does sound darker than it actually is. It’s more of a reflective celebration to honor and remember lost ones and recognize our own tender states.
Documentation of early stages of the process
We share this process with you, inviting you into our sketchbooks and minds through a series of blog posts and a final showing on August 7th (detail below). This kind of intimacy in the process is sacred. Be kind and open hearted as we will be too.
One of the first things we decided as a group and remind ourselves each and every group session is that we’re here to prioritize humanity over productivity. Indigenous practises teach us that our current usage of time is a colonial structure. And as artists we’re constantly proving our worth which often looks like a focus on product and outcome. The first agreement we made in our virtual space together was to centre our curiosities, desires and impulses.
When you think about the fault lines within the flow of commodities, the volume of current crises is infinite. Each of us intersect directly with a historic event that changes the migrational pull that brought us to where we are now.
Through the residency, we’ll continue to look at these fault lines and share our personal connection to displacement and movement of commodities. We have so much to discover. Join us in this rich and complex exploration of Borders, Borderlands and Crossings.
- Kunji, Shireen, Eric, and Mayumi
Prospects: an evening of dance and discussion presents
Falling Towards the Sky
Choreographed by Halley Willcox
Thursday, June 3rd 2021
Hosted on ZOOM
$25 General Admission | $50 Pay it Forward | PWYC
Get tickets here!