Bryce Taylor - Creative Process Blog
Hello dear reader,
My name is Bryce, I am one of the choreographers creating “Binary-Codes”, as of writing this we have been working for approximately a month and half. As this early version of our show is beginning to take shape, I am reminded how no plan survives the creation process. Instead of dogmatically attempting to bring my narrow vision of this show to life, we have as a group offered much in terms of how this project should come to be.
The concept of Binaries and dualities is a massive space to explore as it turns out and I worry that we will barely scratch the surface of what can be explored during our time together before the showings in March. This is just one area of the show which will need more in-depth exploration. From a less conceptual, more movement focussed perspective we will also need to continue to inspect what is possible when combining breaking and partnering.
It feels as though we have backed into a new world of creation which we as a group could not have anticipated the scope of, I hope there will be time enough to explore these new creative areas in future! For the purpose of presenting something somewhat coherent in March we will need to narrow our scope to presenting a few images, which could be added to going forward. The process thus far is incredibly interesting and sharing it with my crew mates has truly been a privilege. This is our first opportunity to create a stage show and we are thoroughly enjoying the process!
There will be much more curiosity, challenges, and creation ahead and we are excited if somewhat nervous to meet what is in store for us as the cast of “Binary-Codes”.
Bryce and The Unknown Floor Force in rehearsal for the creation of “Binary Codes.” Four dancers are seen breaking in a grey and white studio, and there is a mirror affect so that it appears they are both right-side-up and up-side-down.
Come see Binary-Codes at Here&Now, March 20th-22nd at the Art Gallery of Hamilton!
Subsidized tickets always available upon request. Click here to fill out a form.