The Falkirk Infirmary Creative Process Blog
Developing From The Falkirk Infirmary
I wanted to tell a story that's in my bones. In my DNA. In my heart.
Where did my life begin? With my mother and grandmother.
How does life begin? With a breath.
With these 2 thoughts I began to weave my story. We would start in Falkirk, Scotland where my mother was born, move to Windsor, Ontario where she immigrated with her parents. Then we would explore Hamilton where she moved after finishing school and had her children. From there we'd visit the places I lived as an adult Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea where I became a mother myself. Then Hamilton the place I returned to to have my second child.
I started picking songs that represented these places and moments in time. I crafted the entire offering literally weaving a piece of fabric throughout. But something it was missing the breath. And some depth, if I'm honest.
I grabbed a pen & started writing....essentially a poem...scattered scraps of love & inspiration. I considered what I wanted people to feel - what was the wider message beyond an egotistical trip down memory lane. What was the universal? What was the wider message?
Here are a few samples from my notebook pages.

I am very nervous and excited to birth this work and I hope you'll come and share in the magic of the evening with us.
- Eshe
PROSPECTS: an evening of dance and discussion presents
The Falkirk Infirmary
Choreographed and performed by Eshe
Friday, March 11th, 2022
7:30PM | Door at 7pm
Burlington Student Theatre
2131 Prospect St, Burlington ON
$25 | PWYC